Agile Trends 2023 (English)

My presentation at the Agile Trends 2023 (Sao Paulo, Brazil) was featured in Kanban University’s April newsletterKanban is not a “Team Level” method.

It is a very simple lecture, to explain that Kanban is interesting at the team level but demonstrates its robustness at the service level (end-to-end flows).
I adapted the slides (presented in Portuguese) to share with the international Kanban community in English.


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Agile Trends 2023

Participei do Agile Trends 2023 com a palestra “Kanban não é um método ‘Team Level'”, na trilha “Fluxo de Valor: do Post-it à Entrega”. Tentei fazer uma palestra bem simples, para explicar que Kanban é interessante em nível de equipe mas demonstra sua robustez em nível de serviços (fluxos ponta-a-ponta).


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Kanban Coaching Exchange UK

I was proudly invited by Helen Meek, the Kanban Queen 👸 🇬🇧 , to talk on the Kanban Coaching Exchange.

Kanban, Squirrels and the Alternative Path to Agility is a presentation about the adoption of the Kanban Method as an alternative to Scrum in a big financial institution.

Thank you everyone from UK for the welcome and the opportunity to share! 🙂


Veja essa palestra em português: Kanban, Esquilos e o Caminho Alternativo para a Agilidade.

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Agile Bee Experience 2021

Participei do Agile Bee Experience 2021 com a palestra “Kanban, esquilos e o caminho alternativo para a Agilidade”. Contei a história de um dos cases vencedores da Premiação Agilidade Brasil do Agile Trends em 2019.


Todo o conteúdo do evento está disponível no canal Agile Bee do youtube.

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Meetup – Métricas em Contextos Ágeis

Fui convidado pelo grande Raphael Albino, para o Meetup do grupo Métricas em Contextos Ágeis.

Na palestra “Métricas – O catalisador de Kaizens”, compartilhei como a adoção de métricas ajuda a direcionar a melhoria contínua. Comentei sobre algumas estratégias para iniciar a metrificar, sugeri algumas métricas básicas e mostrei padrões que costumo observar.


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2º Festival Agile Trends 2020

Participei do 2º Festival Agile Trends com a palestra “Não basta medir, tem que interpretar”, no bloco “Métricas e Indicadores”. Tentei fazer uma palestra bem simples, com foco nos profissionais que estão aprendendo a coletar e interpretar os indicadores de fluxo.



Veja Também: 1º Festival Agile Trends 2020

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Lives e Eventos da Quarentena

Por conta da quarentena, tenho participado de várias conferências, meetups, lives e podcasts… tudo on-line!

Confira todo o material compartilhado, com destaque para a palestra inédita “Let It Flow – Do Upstream ao Delivery” no Maringá Agile Day.



Outros Eventos:

Festival Agile Trends

Meetup Agile Connect (Portugal)

Podcast Conversa Ágil

Live Estuda que Muda

Webinar BIP

Senior Conference

Meetup Agile Princeton (Em Inglês)

Meetup Tecnobank

PO Talks PagSeguro

  • Let It Flow – Do Upstream ao Delivery (vídeo e slides acima)

Interessou? Entre em contato e leve estas palestras para seu evento!

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Agile Princeton Meetup

On June 24th, I presented my first talk in English. Thank you Kenneth Roberts and Agile Princeton for the opportunity to share about Upstream Kanban and the reception in the community (I am improving my English, sorry for my mistakes).

I hope it is the first of many!



See also: Upstream Kanban Picture

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Festival Agile Trends 2020

Festival Agile Trends contou com mais de 100 palestras! Participei do bloco “Melhorando o Fluxo” com a talk “Upstream Kanban”. Foi uma experiência interessante palestrar em 10 minutos (corrido!) e principalmente contribuir com o debate e networking virtual.



Veja Também: Upstream Kanban Picture

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Upstream Kanban Picture (English)

Translation review: Caio Cestari

Permission: Kanban Picture and Upstream Kanban Picture are free to use. Images can be copied and shared.

While in Downstream (delivery) we have work the team has already committed to, in Upstream we have options. The commitment point (when the marriage with demands happens :D) delimits the boundary between Upstream and Downstream.
Our ability to have ideas and generate opportunities is greater than the ability to convert them into done items, which is why Upstream is like a “funnel with filters” where options are analyzed, refined, discarded, studied and selected to be worked on.

Upstream Kanban
Book Essential Upstream Kanban (Patrick Steyaert)

Analysing and managing Upstream and Downstream create a more sustainable, efficient and effective flow from end to end, integrating the development team and business areas.

In the following video (part of the “Upstream Kanban” talk) I explain the image.

Options are expected to be discarded at any Upstream stage. While during delivery we avoid “breaking up the marriage”, we consider the Upstream a “dating” that may not work. 🙁
More important than “knowing what to do” is “knowing what not to do” for reasons of cost, value, market changes or simply because it is a bad idea.
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